Thursday, August 11, 2011

Locked indoors

Luck seems to be against me right now. This morning I was leaving the flat; I arrived at the bottom of the stairs to go out the door only to find it had somehow jammed itself shut! I kicked, pulled and rattled it for a good while but it wouldn't budge. So I had to leave via the garden; involving climbing through somebody else garden which I doubt they were happy about but hey- had to be done. It is now 19 days until moving out day and I still haven't got a new place sorted- maybe now is the time to start stressing...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Flat hunting joys.

Eek, 3 weeks till I have to be out of my flat and have not yet got a place to live! Last year I got the flat, plus 3 flatmates together in less than 2 weeks so I'm hoping for a similar stroke of luck this summer. On the plus side I have my moving in buddies sorted; my partner and a good friend- so now I just need a place which matches my rather picky criteria. Must have: space, decent sized rooms, seperate kitchen and lounge, kitchen table, light, close to city centre, somewhere nice....not asking for much am I? Saw a really good place online today which had come down to £600 per month and it looks massive plus it's in a gorgeous area; the downside is it's unfurnished. I'm hoping that through the miracle of and ikea, not to mention the pound shop, we could get the essentials together for not too much hassle or cash. Wish me luck, or I will be blogging from the streets in a couple of weeks!