Sunday, June 19, 2011

Look, a dog!

...I just saw a really nice one out my window.

On a totally unrelated subject; flat sharing = Big, fat nightmare. I can totally understand now how people can live completely alone with loads of cats. Having flatmates just means nobody buys toliet paper or cleaning products, empties the bin, cleans, washes up, pays attention to the other words one person does all of the above. Always. There's loads of pent up anger about fridge space, missing crockery, (where the **** is my mug?!?) disappearing spoons, rude friends, someone else cooking in the miniscule space when you are hungry, loud drunken idiots, someone else's appalling taste in music, snide comments, TV viewing (or lack of since the areal broke), pizza boxes, cupboard space, missing milk, heating being left on, lights being left on... It's either an all out war or a silent "we all hate each other but we're not going to say anything". This flat would be the latter. It's becoming extremely hostile when you used to be easy going and fun.

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